e-Learning Central Unit

About The Unit

In light of the country’s efforts to implement “digitization” in all of its services and the Supreme Council of Universities’ approval to officially implement the “hybrid learning” approach in Egyptian universities beginning with the 2020–2021 academic year, the university administration, represented by the education and student affairs sector, sought to put and implement its proactive plan in this regard, taking all required measures to implement the plan.
The establishment of the central e-learning unit was approved to follow the Education Strategies & Research Center. This approval came about as a result of e-learning preparations that were made in order to keep up with the requirements of the hybrid learning system.
In addition to the E-Course Production Center and the e-learning units located in the 17 different faculties, the central e-learning unit is comprised of 3 departments: Department of E-Learning Planning and Development, Department of E-Learning Project Management, Department of Monitoring and Evaluating the Performance of the E-Learning System, and Department of Training and Technical Support


Achievement of leadership and distinction in the field of eLearning to ensure successful practices and educational development.


Setting the strategic plans of the e-learning system that aims at providing varied and distinguished educational tools in response to the growing demands of hybrid learning through the effective implementation of modern technologies in e-learning and distance education. Setting methods of monitoring and evaluation of the implemented system according to both national and international quality standards.


Dr. Dalia Ahmed Yousef Dr. Hany N. Yousef Dr. Heba Shawky Dr. Doaa Anas
Director of e-Learning
Central Unit
Director of training and
technical support department
E-Learning project

Member of e-Learning
Central Unit


Innovation Tools

* The university administration aims at pioneering in the field of using innovative tools in education. One of the main effective innovative tools is virtualization of workplace training settings.

* It aims at developing students’ skills and practice. Utilizing virtualization allow students and teachers to work anywhere on any device, thus improving flexibility and reducing organizational cost.

* Virtual laboratories    

* Virtual patient platform   

* e-Portfolio  

* ASU Virtual microscopy platform 

Read more about Innovation Tools


Our Activities

The strategic plan for the Unit was developed in 2020 in line with the strategic plan for the Department of Education Development of the University of Ain Shams, to build and develop the curriculum system and teaching methods, and in line with the global and international trends and future positions required from the graduate of the University of Ain Shams. The Central e-Learning Unit is primarily responsible for a range of activities such as:

* Technical support system

* Admin Training

* StaffTraining

* StudentTraining

Read more about Unit Activities

ASU2Learn Platform

Ain Shams University launched the new e-learning portal ASU2Learn, which represents a qualitative leap in e-learning and hybrid learning offered to students by Ain Shams University, as it represents an integrated system of educational platforms based on the best e-learning applications in the world according to Gartner classification.
The platforms have been operational since the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year.

ASU2Learn Platform